Halaman: 357 * Kulit Tebal * Tebal: 3.0 sm
Seks - kalau tidak ditangani dengan betul setiap permasalahannya akan menyebabkan pergeseran dan perpecahan rumahtangga. Berkongsi ilmu dengan mereka yang pernah mengalami masalah dalam hal ini adalah salah satu cara untuk memandu ke arah hidup yang lebih sejahtera. - pengendali tokobukumaya.
"Discover the hormone connection: the secret to fabulous sex, great health, and vitality, for women and men.
Getting older can be brutal - women gain weight, lose their sex drive, experience hot flashes, suffer memory loss, become short-tempered, find it difficult to sleep, and on and on. It's not easy for men, either - they start to lose energy and stamina as they age, too (and they have to live with women going through menopause). After years of being thin and fit and full of energy, Suzanne herself encountered the "Seven Dwarfs of Menopause" - Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful, and All-Dried-Up. Instead of living out the rest of her life cranky, sleep-deprived, and libido-less, Suzanne set out to discover how she could get her ind, body, and life back and banish those pesky dwarfs for good..."
Getting older can be brutal - women gain weight, lose their sex drive, experience hot flashes, suffer memory loss, become short-tempered, find it difficult to sleep, and on and on. It's not easy for men, either - they start to lose energy and stamina as they age, too (and they have to live with women going through menopause). After years of being thin and fit and full of energy, Suzanne herself encountered the "Seven Dwarfs of Menopause" - Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful, and All-Dried-Up. Instead of living out the rest of her life cranky, sleep-deprived, and libido-less, Suzanne set out to discover how she could get her ind, body, and life back and banish those pesky dwarfs for good..."
Harga Jualan: US $ 25.00
Harga tokobukumaya: RM 70.00
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